Reserve your spot for the January 14 OWLS luncheon by registering no later than Wednesday, January 8, 2014. Here's a Q&A with this month's speaker, Tom Kranovich.
1. What was your interest in volunteering for OSB President?
The Board of Governors is a diverse group of hard working lawyers all of whom care deeply about the Oregon State Bar and its membership. Having said that, depending upon the particular issue, they all have different ideas and thoughts on what constitutes acting in the best interest of the bar and its membership. I felt that, as President, I could bring something to the table that would help the board focus on defining and meeting its purpose. I also felt I had the experience and skills to keep the board and bar effectively on task in efficiently and meaningfully carrying out the mission of the Oregon State Bar. I also found satisfaction in the thought of following in the footsteps of past Presidents like Nina Cook, Julie Franz and Kathy Evans.
2. What are three goals you have for 2014 as OSB President?
I. Formulating a Strategic plan to assist the Board in setting the Bar’s goals and measuring the effectiveness of the Bar’s programs.
II. Continuing our efforts to promote court funding (Citizens Counsel on Court Funding) and employment of lawyers (ONLD, SSFP and others).
III. Reviewing the function and role of: our disciplinary process, Limited Liability Legal Technicians, the BBX and use of the Uniform Bar Exam.
3. What are three personal goals you have for 2014?
I. Building bridges for better working relationships and understanding between Sections, Bar Specialty Groups, Bar Committees and the membership.
II. Increasing involvement in bar activities by having our members become better informed (stopping, or at least minimizing, the spread of ill-informed rumors).
III. Increasing outreach between Board members, Bar staff and the legal community.
4. What two points would you offer to new lawyers beginning their career in this New Year?
• Do not assume anything; realize there is much that you do not know.
• Develop a network of experienced attorneys to whom you can, and will, turn when you are not sure of what you know.
5. What is the last book you read for pleasure? The Imperial Cruise by James Bradley (He wrote Flags of our Fathers, about the flag raisers on Iwo Jima, one of whom was his father.) The book is a sobering and frightening narrative on the role of Theodore Roosevelt’s imperial ambitions, which seemingly spread the late 19th century notions of Arian supremacy, and how it all played into the world conflicts of the 20th century.
6. What is your favorite movie? I watch the Harry Potter series at least twice a year.
7. What do you think OWLS can do in 2014 to continue to positively affect the practice of law in Oregon? On the broader level, as President of the Oregon State Bar, I implore you to continue in your faithful dedication to following your mission statement.